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Rolex DateJust Replica

Christian has 27 years experience working with Rolex DateJust Replica. For us, he is like a living document of the brand. To maximize his knowledge and experience, we appointed him as a guardian for Rolex DateJust Replica's style and heritage. This is to ensure that our actions are consistent with who and what we are. He is the best and most qualified person to do this. It's the perfect combination of his knowledge, his interests,Rolex DateJust Replica what he enjoys doing, what he's good at, and our goals. What is remarkable about the 260-year history of Rolex DateJust Replica is our ability to be innovative and surprising while staying true to ourselves.

It is important to make our offer easy to comprehend from both a creative and product perspective. Rolex DateJust Replica clients are likely to be connoisseurs. You know that you can expect exceptional finishing, attention to detail, and good quality.

The explanation of the inspiration behind a watch, the connection between it and Vacheron Costantin's patrimony, and how the watch is relevant today are just a few of the things that go on top. To bring clarity and messaging to clients, we are making small changes and reviews to our internal organization.

Christian Selmoni, Rolex DateJust Replica's Heritage & Style Director

We visited recently the facilities at Plan-les-Ouates, and the Vallee De Joux. It seems that they are also undergoing physical changes.

We are putting more resources into the departments we want to grow. We have increased our investment in Les Cabinotiers in our design studio, digital, and CRM [customer relationship management].hublot replica watches The physical changes you see are mainly due to the fact we once had a Meyrin production site as part of Richemont Campus Genevois la Haute Horlogerie. We recently moved that portion back to Plan-les-Ouates. Now we have two sites: one in Plan-les-Ouates, and one in the Vallee de Joux.

We wanted to improve our internal communication, supply chain and overall agility. After all, it is the client who benefits from these improvements. This does not mean that we have fewer chances to find synergies within Richemont. In fact, we are more focused on this than ever.